Gate Makeover

We returned for our second term November 28, 2012.  We moved into the home where we currently live, shortly thereafter.  Immediately we recognized a problem with the gate when we opened it for a car to enter.  It would drag across the ground and the hinge was broken.  We had it fixed by a local welder at the time.

A few months later we had problems with the walk gate portion – this is the part where we can walk in and out without opening the whole gate.  The bottom portion of the door separated from the side support bracket.  We had it repaired by a welder who welded on patches of metal.  The welder suggested painting the areas he welded to prevent rust and he used the paint he had.  That’s how the gate became mint green with orange spots.

Two weeks ago, the bottom support piece for one side of the gate separated from the side support bracket.  Every time we opened the gate we needed to lift and basically carry that part while swinging it open.  This time I (DeAnna) asked the Construction and Maintenance Department manager in our organization who is a master welder I could hire to fix our gate once and for all.  He put me in touch with a man.  This man came and looked at our gate to give an estimate and explain what would be needed for the repair.  He commented how ugly our gate was being green with orange spots.  He repaired the gate and we are hopeful this will be the last repair needed for quite some time.  We decided to makeover our gate by painting it.

It was a family affair painting the gate.  The only paint available is oil based.  We all shared in the duty of painting our gate and we are happy with the end result.


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6 Responses to Gate Makeover

  1. Cara Marie says:

    Looks great! I might be slightly biased as that is the same color as my front door.

  2. Denise says:

    Deanna, that looks great! I bet you’re the envy of the neighborhood and Cara, that is also the same color as my front door! Whoo-hoo! You are Deanna DIY even in Africa! Love you!

  3. Laura says:

    Looks great!

  4. Pop-pop says:

    Terrific paint job. Gotta love cleaning brushes after using oil base.

  5. Mom/MawMaw says:

    Looks great. BTW, which boy is the “Prince of Bel-Air”? It tickles me every time I see the name of your subdivision in your pictures.

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